LeavenPOS is a final project for my subject OOP. It is a team project together with my classmate Eder Chua.
Originally, the requirement was to just create a Desktop application using Visual Studio and WinForms with MariaDB as the database through XAMPP where basic CRUD functionalities are implemented. We as a tandem always wants to make sense of things so that it won't only be a project that will be submitted for grades. We want it to actually have a use case scenario.
Our first idea was to create an app called CIITindahan, a marketplace for CIIT students where they can buy and sell items.
After some more brainstorming, we decided to let go of that idea since there are already a lot of tools and services for this. We instead thought of creating a customized POS for Eder's business Leaven Marketing, a type of leather business. It would be beneficial for them since their current system at the time was very manual, specifically for the logistics of materials as well as tracking the sales.
I made the designs in Powerpoint and we utilized Visual Studio's Live Share to collaborate with the development of the app in realtime. It was very helpful for us since we're just exploring WinForms and MariaDB and does not really have much knowledge except the lectures from the past weeks.
It was extra difficult for me because to create the app design, I also have to understand their whole business process.
In the end, we developed something that was almost the same as the design. Of course we had to adjust some in the process since we aren't fully familiar with all the components and properties of WinForms.