Unsaid Things


Unsaid Things



Adobe Premiere Pro

Created and edited a 3D lyric visualizer using Blender and Premiere Pro


When I joined Tune's Bridging Verses: A Songwriting Workshop seminar, I did not expect that I will be creating this output.

At the end of the seminar, attendees were randomly grouped and was tasked to create a simple song. Luckily, there was a musician in my group who knows how to create beats/play instruments. The other one volunteered to be the singer, so I was tasked to create the visualizer. We were given around a week to work with.

My first thought was to make a simple lyric video with some animations. While checking some tutorials online I found it too tedious in that I have to compress my mind thinking of animations for each lyric parts, so I went back to my beloved Blender.

The idea is to create an environment and just show and hide lyrics on different places as the camera moves around. I thought it was easier since I just have to do three things- the environment, the camera, and the lyrics. Make it four- burning my graphics card once again as I render in Cycles.

I had to work with something even without the lyrics because of time constraint, so I never really considered the meaning of the lyrics when creating the visualizer. I started by creating my room in Blender. I really don't have other reasons besides it was the easiest environment to get reference for.

For the next environment, I imported some assets from my other project where I tried to create a 3D environment of CIIT's Interweave Building for a VRChat-like game. Specifically, it was the left-wing library because it is (for me) the most notable place in the Interweave.

From then on, it was just artistic randomness. My favorite part was recording myself typing the lyrics and adding it as a GIF texture in the monitor. It was wittingly immersive.

Our group won 2nd placer and although I was away from my PC on the time of awarding, I was told someone commented that ours was unofficially #1 visualizer, so it was really rewarding for me and my team.